Accommodation and Transport

Tel Aviv tends to be a very busy city during September, and we strongly recommend to reserve hotel rooms as early as possible.

We are happy to offer you a choice of hotels in agreement with Tel Aviv University, at special rates for the participants of the conference – on an availability basis. See below for further details and reservation forms.

Alternatively, you might want to check through popular hotel reservation platforms or Airbnb.

Conference Venue:

The 36th annual conference of the European Association of Law and Economics will be held at the Buchmann Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב, Dr George Wise St, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel.

Free Shuttle, Public Transport and Taxi:

We are happy to provide a free shuttle to the conference from the conference’s hotels. We advise those who would like to use our shuttle to sign up in advance in the following form:–cpeVJJNYAL5UuCoKbGOFR13Cn55gTg/viewform

Transport information can be found here:

If you encounter any problems, please report to us at